The soba restaurant and the oyster bar: peripheral spaces for responsible research and innovation
Erika Szymanski, Ryuma Shineha, Ken Kawamura, Rob Smith, Jane Calvert
As STS researchers working closely with scientists and engineers, we have been invited into, created, reluctantly entered, and stumbled upon many different kinds of spaces, some of which might be considered spaces for responsible research and innovation. We discuss a selection of these spaces, drawing on our work in synthetic biology in the UK and molecular robotics in Japan. These include a multidisciplinary workshop, a policy meeting, an art performance, a public engagement event, and several panels at scientific conferences on the ethical, legal and social issues raised by our fields of study. Many of these spaces were owned and controlled by scientists and engineers, and our participation in them was constrained by pre-existing frames. But even in those spaces we designed ourselves it was difficult to challenge institutionalized practices and dominant understandings of the relationship between the natural and social sciences. We often found that those places that were most conducive to provocative, productive and critical cross-disciplinary dialogue were at the peripheries of formal events. We explore the importance of peripheral spaces for RRI, drawing on the examples of interactions that took place at a soba restaurant and an oyster bar.

Erika Szymanski
Colorado State University

Ryuma Shineha
Seijo University

Ken Kawamura
Seijo University

Robert Smith
University of Edinburgh

Jane Calvert
University of Edinburgh