
Critical codes
Critical Codes Roundtable A Public Interest Technology event on Ethical Codes of Conduct as a mode of governance for emerging technologies. 18th November 2022, 10:50 - 15:00 (with coffee from 10:30) High School Yards Teaching Centre University of Edinburgh What do...

A capabilities approach to responsible innovation
At the end of 2021, we began to a process of reflecting and learning from our work with ERA CoBioTech -- a funding programme that has supported approximately €35m of research into synthetic biology, systems biology and industrial biotechnology in Europe. In parallel,...

Building alternative practices for RRI in Japan and the UK
Building alternative practices for RRI in Japan and the UKAs governments turn to science, technology, and medicine to deliver economic growth in times of uncertainty, they also turn to the humanities and social sciences to facilitate societal engagement and...

Participant perspectives on Responsible Research & Innovation
Participant perspectives on Responsible Research & Innovation A collection of perspectives on responsible research and innovation (RRI) from participants at the Edinburgh workshop ↩︎. Discourses and metaphors Co-producing knowledge and RRI in emerging fields |...

UK-Japan project: Workshop 1 – Exploring Responsible Innovation
Building alternative practices for RRI in Japan and the UK Workshop - Exploring Responsible Innovation (Text in Japanese bellow) Edinburgh, March 2019This workshop examined the development of responsible innovation in the United Kingdom and Japan. Participants...
Responsible research and innovation as social learning: Insights from BBSRC and the ERA CoBioTech programme
How should funders shape the shared trajectories of science, technology and society? In recent years, two related ideas of ‘responsible innovation’ and ‘responsible research and innovation’ (RRI) have gained currency. But what these terms mean in practice is often unclear and opaque for research funders.

Engineering Life Project
Experimental Collaborations with Synthetic Biology"Engineering life is not like engineering concrete or silicon" (Herbert Sauro, Nature, 8th May 2014, p.157).The emerging field of synthetic biology promises to engineer the living world. Its proponents argue that it...